Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Live Shrimp and the World's Smallest Catfish!

Yesterday evening we were supposed to have engagement photos taken...which we already postponed once from April when someone forgot to ut sunscreen on during training and got burnt to a crisp

So it was only natural that we woke up Monday morning with a "special weather alert" letting us know there was a record-setting heat wave coming through town that ame day, and the high between 4 and 5pm (about when we were to meet our photographer OUTSIDE IN A FIELD), was about 103 degrees.

Yeah, no. Who wants to be all cute and cuddly when its a million degrees outside and you sweat just looking out the window inside your nice air conditioned car? Luckily we have an awesome photographer who admitted to not wanting to be outside either...looks like we have once again rescheduled!

Good thing I had woke up at 4.30am, so I could get to work by 6, and leave by 4pm....grrrrr

In my bitterness over my luck, Shayne suggested we take advantage of the extra time and bust down to Galveston as soon as get home to go fishing.  So we did.

Apparently I have never seen LIVE shrimp before...Shayne thought I was joking.  I wasn't.  Those little suckers are frisky (seriously all that foam in the bucket is from them flying around)!  During the 3 minute drive from the bait shop to the beach, we had like 10 shrimp jetson out of the bucket into my car.  I wouldn't be surprised if there were still a couple under the seats!

I also apparently suck at fishing.  Ok no, I don't, I just can only focus on one thing at a time and I was so focused on making sure I threw the line out correctly and didn't get it jammed up, and then that I was "popping" it (not dragggiiinnnggg), so I pretty much ended up feeding the fish because I always missed when they were biting.

Except for when I ACCIDENTALLY, WITHOUT REALIZING IT, caught the world's smallest catfish...see Exhibit A:

Exhibit A:

See how that fish is the size of the shrimp it just ate?? Don't even know how I did that, and the hook was perfectly centered in his mouth...that's raw talent right there people.

Anyways, spur of the moment dates are my favorite :)

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